At Hope children's Foundation a home of- Restoring Hope: Join Us in Transforming Lives in Africa

Introduction: Welcome to Hope Children's Foundation where every act of kindness makes a profound difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families across Africa. My name is Kayemba Kalema, and I invite you to join us on a journey of compassion and empowerment.

Story of Resilience: Growing up in Uganda, East Africa, I experienced firsthand the harsh realities faced by children in impoverished communities. Raised in a polygamous family, my sister and I endured neglect and abuse, finding solace in each other's presence. Tragically, my sister fell victim to a horrific crime at a tender age, leaving scars that ran deep. 

In Africa, stepmothers sometimes transfer their jealousy onto children, depriving them of a loving relationship. As a result, my sister and I didn't have a good time with our stepmothers.

Tears became a common occurrence, and we often found solace in sleeping in the bush near our father's house rather than in our own home. It was a challenging time for us as children. One fateful night, it rained heavily, and we sought refuge on our neighbor's porch. Little did we know that a group of older boys, seeking shelter from the rain, had malicious intentions. Tragically, my sister was raped in front of me, I was 12 years old and my sister was 10 years old.

The effects of that terrible incident haunted us both, and my sister eventually passed away from HIV/AIDS, leaving behind four children - two affected by the virus and two who are thankfully HIV/AIDS-free.

After her being raped she felt ashamed and thought she is valueless, and she never went to school because of that dangerous act, her life was miserable.

We grew up on dogs' food because most of the time when we came back home after school we couldn't find food no our plates, in our minds we went and shared with dogs the same meal because no one cared. From that time my grandmother took me to her home and my sister was taken with another grandmother, all these grandmothers were sisters of our real grandmother.                                       

I thought of finding peace here but all was in vain because at my father's home at least I was able to eat dogs' food rather than missing a meal but here sometimes sleeping on an empty stomach, most of the time I was forced to steal some sugar canes, jack fruit pawpaw from neighbors and everything edible to live. 

After a lot of child labor at my Grandma and other hardships, I was forced to go to stone quarries and places, where sand and bricks are being made and collected, to get money to buy some soap, salt, clothes, and fuel for our candles in the house because I had to read some books to continue with my studies, this situation took some good years. Years later, I decided to go and stay with my mother deep in the village.        

The situation I found in the village was the worst because we had nothing for human consumption, we had to work harder than I had worked before and I started looking after my mother and my siblings as well as going to school, for sure life had no meaning, all of my siblings never continued with studies because our father died the early 1990s and i had no capacity help them as well supporting them in feeding and all daily feeding.  After the death of our father, we came back to the city in our father's home together with my mother and we found some other brothers and sisters for my stepmothers with nothing to eat this time I had to triple the effort to get what to eat.                       

These children were too young to look for money, so it was me to go and work, being that my mother was a housewife she didn't know what to do but to go looking for jobs which are energetic and sometimes to go to some functions like funnel services and wedding not because she was invited but to collect some leftovers on the plates to feed us, don't forget that sometimes I had to go to school and those school days no one was bringing food at home.   The family had 10 members by then, this situation went on until I finished my diploma in civil engineering


From that moment, I made a promise to myself to help children in need. I realized that there are countless children, youth, and young adults in Africa who suffer from hunger, neglect, not accessing education, and regardless of whether they have parents or not.

In 1999 I started a non-profit organization in the name of Hope Children’s Foundation to provide underprivileged individuals with the opportunity to access quality education at all levels - primary, secondary, up to university, and empower the school dropouts by skilling them, to stay in peace and grow good citizens within the community.

We also offer crucial services like medical support, shelter, nutritious meals and skilling the youth those in need.

As a professional engineer, I started a construction company and it has the one funding the organization, minus the volunteers who have been donating their time to bring a smile to the faces of the helpless no other hand to support the organization. Unfortunately, the sole company that has been supporting the organization ran out of contracts and It can’t support it again.

  Despite the adversity, I resolved to turn my pain into purpose, vowing to create a brighter future for those in need with a mission which is driving the the organization now.

Our Mission: At Hope Children's Foundation, our mission is clear: to provide hope, opportunity, and support to underprivileged individuals across Africa. We believe that every child deserves access to quality education, healthcare, and a nurturing environment, regardless of their circumstances. Through our initiatives, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and empower future generations to thrive.

What We Do: Education lies at the heart of our efforts. We strive to ensure that every child has the opportunity to pursue their dreams through access to primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Additionally, we offer vocational training programs to equip young adults with the skills they need to succeed in today's competitive world.

But our work extends beyond the classroom. We provide essential services such as medical support, shelter, and nutritious meals to those in need, ensuring that no one is left behind. Through community outreach and empowerment initiatives, we foster a sense of belonging and resilience among marginalized groups.

The Power of Giving: As a professional engineer, I have dedicated my life to serving others. Through my construction company, I have been able to fund Hope Children's Foundation and make a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals. However, the challenges we face are immense, and we cannot do it alone.

We Need Your Help: Today, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity can make a world of difference to those who need it most. Whether it's through a donation, volunteering your time, or spreading the word about our cause, every contribution matters. Together, we can create a brighter, more hopeful future for the children of Africa.

Join Us: Join us in our mission to heal hearts and restore hope. Together, we can build a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

With gratitude,

Kayemba Kalema


Hope Children's Foundation

Director's Story